Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Terrific Holiday Aroma for Your Home

Jill’s Seasonal Simmer

1 Orange sliced
2 sprigs fresh Rosemary
3 Cinnimon Sticks
1 tablespoon of Alspice
1 tablespoon of Clove
Put all ingredients in a small saucepan (I keep one just for this purpose).  Add water.  Simmer.  Voila, it smells wonderful!
Excuse how horrible my saucepan looks, it’s sole purpose is to simmer until Christmas is over…  I chose one that had clearly seen better days and I no longer used for cooking.  The last thing you want is to have your saucepan simmering on the stove and realize you need it immediately while cooking dinner.  I learned that lesson the hard way…

Jill V. Abernathy

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