Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Are You in Love...

Are You In Love with Two Houses?

As you find yourself in the house-hunting mode, you may encounter a situation in which you're torn between two houses. Perhaps you and your significant other each have a favorite, or perhaps you both like two houses equally - or think you do.

Making a final decision and determining which house to make an offer on shouldn't be taken lightly. The decision should be made rationally and not guided by emotion. Of course, you may not have the luxury of taking your time on deciding which house you'd like to pursue. You may be in a market in which homes in your price range get snatched up as quickly as they go on the market, perhaps even attracting multiple offers.  But in some situations, you may find yourself torn between two houses. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is take pen to paper and outline your family's needs, your budget, and the pros and cons of each house.

Some things you'll want to compare include:

  • The neighborhoods
  • The schools
  • Crime
  • The houses compared to others in the neighborhood
  • Appreciation
  • The sellers' situations
  • The houses themselves
  • Drawbacks

As you carefully weigh all the factors, it might become clear that one house is more enticing than the other. Or, you may find the houses are still equally appealing. If that is the case, be sure you look at the homes more than once. You may notice something you didn't the first time around - something that could sway you one way or the other. In fact, you should probably visit each home at least two more times, at different times of the day to get a feeling for how the house and neighborhood look and feel in the morning versus late afternoon or evening. Once you make a decision and an offer, you can take comfort in knowing you may still have a back-up if the deal falls apart.

Source - Realtor friend, Carolyn Ezelle.

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