Monday, December 5, 2011

Reasons we love Gainesville Ga

Gainesville is home, at least for us it is. We wanted to share why we enjoy our hometown as much as we do. These are just a few of the many reasons, but of coarse we cannot include everything! 

Lake Lanier – Whether you are looking for a quiet cruise or like the action of the faster boats, Lake Lanier has it all. The south end has the action of the big boats you might see on any bigger lake, while the north end has the peaceful feel of the laidback lifestyle. You can fish, boat, picnic as well as enjoy a beautiful sunset sitting on the dock.

Small Town Feel  – In the last year Gainesville had a growth rate of 18.3% (According to the Census Bureau.) That does not mean that Gainesville is loosing the small town feel. Take the Christmas on Green Street, where all the historic houses open their doors to the community for festive treats and even Santa! Or take the Mule Camp Market, a favorite tradition where locals gather for the three-day festival that includes everything from arts and crafts, food, music, to carnival rides.

Small Business Support – According to CNN Money, Gainesville GA landed on the Best Places to Launch a Small Business. The supportive community of Gainesville had a higher growth rate then the average metro city (15% compared to 4.1%.) Gainesville ranked high on all of the statistics used to rank the metro cities.

What are you favorite things about Gainesville?